OpenPOWER Foundation @IBM @OpenPOWER #ibm #OpenPOWERFoundation #andorsoft #openpower

Això succeeix aquest matí! Un esdeveniment a Andorra organitzat per Andorsoft i amb la presència d’experts d’IBM el tema és IBM Power Systems & Storage.

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IBM Power Systems & Storage @IBM @PowerSystems&Storage #IBM #IBMPowerSystems&Storage #PowerSystems #Storage #andorsoft

Registreu-vos fent clic a aquest enllaç IBM Power Systems: Linux on Power Systems An industry-standard open operating system with faster processing speed, bandwidth and inherent security. IBM i Continuous availability, latest security features, and easy integration with IoT, AI and Watson provide you with the insights that are integral to your organization. IBM AIX Is […]

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Un cas d’ús molt interessant de l’assistent IBM Watson.  

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Interessant! Per poder fer un test de ciber atac en live, 2 productes d’IBM @IBM #IBM #XForceCyberRange #CyberTacticalOperationsCenter

Per poder fer un test de ciber atac en live, 2 productes d’IBM : – X-Force Cyber Range – Cyber Tactical Operations Center.

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